Monday, October 6, 2008

F**king scum VAR's!

... in all fairness,.. it takes two and looks like some of you were
part of the reason these dickwads bent over,..
greed is a strange beast... and when times are tough,.. the scum
sucking sales/marketing/ceo weasels start too submit.

Hearing/reading all the politics and economics lately.... the pond
scum we feed,.. creates more pond scum.

I can't believe these slimy bottom dwelling - bottomline marketing
tactics continue and people submit to it.... blindly, submissively,

What they are doing is treating the user/client with NO RESPECT AT

Those fees are NOT acceptable and this latest sales/marketing email
should be read as a slap in the face to ALL paying users!!


Just say NO! Don't buy into this....otherwise, if you buy into
it,... their pathetic mafia tactics will been seen as acceptable and WE ALL

"Penalty-Free Subscription Re-Instatement is Here!

PLEASE NOTE: This offer is for existing GoEngineer
SolidWorks customers only.

Now through November 10, 2008, we're offering you
the opportunity to get your SolidWorks licenses back
on subscription - just in time for the release of SolidWorks 2009!

We're waiving the $100-$500 reinstatement fee to get you
back on subscription so you'll receive the 2009 upgrade free.

What's even better is we're offering a SolidProfessor 2009 Update
training DVD at no charge with your order. This is a $100.00 value.

You may also take the CSWP (Certified SolidWorks Professional) test
on line at no charge.

1787 E. Fort Union Blvd.
Cottonwood Heights, UT. 84121 "