Sunday, September 30, 2007 ... a very cute look'n distro!

If you're into good looks and want it now with your linux install...

It's based on Debian and even though I prefer PCLinuxOS, this one is pretty sweet!!


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New RMB pop-up in Feature Manager Sux!!!

I mean,... IT REALLY SUXS!!!!

When the user RMB clicks over the features in the FM the default location of the mouse cursor is at the ALL IMPORTANT "INVERT SELECTION" option!?!?!?!

WHO, who decided that this interface was productive!?!?!?!?

The user has to CONSTANTLY move the mouse upward to access the MOST COMMON used functions!?!?!?!

Can we all say..... STUPID!!!

Seriously SW Corp, do you guys really use this program????

And, what is with the there any??


Monday, September 24, 2007

It's offical.. I'm using a glow in the dark Ade$k product..

that is,... SW2008 reminds me of the marketing crap from Ade$k.. deja vu!?

Well, I've used it now for a few days and I don't get it!?!?!?
It's like Vista,.. I don't get it!?!?
Do I need these cute pop-ups and glow in the dark selection graphics!?!

Really, this is NO LONGER about productivity... it's about how cute the interface looks!?!?

What a waste of resources!!!!!!!!!!!!


How long does SW2008 take to load?

Forever and a day!!!!!.................
And, sometimes... not at all!?
Yep... a clean install of 2008 has shown me once again that SW Corp produces.... HALF BAKEWARE!!!

So,.. what pray tell solves this instanity... this is cute... I start SW2007... close SW2007 and then,.. SW2008 starts!?!?!?!?!

Can you say KICK START!? (where's that 2-cycle oil?)

What a POS, seriously!

Don't you just luv the crap they sell!?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Feature Statistics,... FALSE LIES!!!

I want to say this as nicely and as clearly as I can...
Feature Statistic values MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
The TRUE MEANINGFUL VALUE is the TOTAL time , that is, when the user has FULL access to the data!

Otherwise, Feature Statistics are POINTLESS!

Let's have REAL values, NOT FALSE DATA!!

Opening (total time it takes to open and have FULL access to the data)
Ctrl-Q (total time it takes from ctrl-q to FULL access to the data)
Saving (Total time it takes to save and have FULL access to the data.

The people behind this request had very good intentions and I appreciate its use at helping find problem areas or what features take longer to resolve.

It concerns me to see others using it as a literal measure of performance and/or comparison.
As it is now, it clouds the very real issue of overall performance.
SW2006, SW2007 and now SW2008 have each progressively performed slower, OVERALL,.. so, seeing Feature Statistics misinformation used as a comparison is very concerning!

I only hope Users, VAR's and SW Corp do NOT (or stop) use it as a tool for overall performance comparison.

So, yes, a upgrade to this tool is needed!
We need to request TOTAL OVERALL performance values (when the user has FULL access to the data) so we ALL can make accurate comparisons.
